Get Involved


Serving the Community

Opportunities to volunteer at the Trent Hill Center are abundant. Whether you have a knack for snacks or are good in the garden, we would be delighted for you to share your time and talents with us. Read below to learn more about just a few of the ways you can volunteer at THC. To get started volunteering, complete and submit the volunteer form below.

Ways to Volunteer

Whether you host a donation drive, mentor a resident, or deliver a homemade meal, any help you're able to provide makes a significant impact in the lives of our residents and clients.

Donation Drives

Hosting a donation drive through your place of employment, school, civic or religious group, neighborhood, or group of friends is a great way to help keep our supplies stocked and expenses down! Supplies that we are regularly in need of are as follows:

  • Paper towels

  • Toilet paper

  • Kitchen cleaning products

  • Bathroom cleaning products

  • Laundry detergent

  • Men & women's body wash

  • Men & women's deodorant

  • Toothbrushes & toothpaste

  • Feminine hygiene products

  • Socks & underwear for teens

  • Individually packaged snacks

Prepare a Meal

If you or your organization would like to donate a meal to our residents, contact us so we can schedule a day, time and inform you of any special dietary restrictions our residents have. In a house full of teenagers, meals are always a source of excitement and gratitude!

Share Your Talents

Lead a tutorial or class to share your professional skills or favorite hobbies with the residents! This may include anything from Zumba to resume writing—the opportunities are endless!

Become an Independent Living Community Partner

Trent Hill Center’s Independent Living Program for youth ages 18-21 relies heavily on community-wide participation to create a network of support for residents as they work towards independence in adulthood. Residents in this program are required to meet tasks related to several independent living competencies: automobile upkeep & safety, career readiness, citizenship, communication, educational exploration, financial literacy, household management, health & well-being, personal safety, and social-emotional skills. If you have a skill set that lies within any of these categories, we welcome your involvement and investment into our community’s youth.

Gardening & Yard Maintenance

Trent Hill Center’s residential and administrative buildings sit on a piece of property with a great deal of green space, which is regularly in need of maintenance and sprucing-up. If you have a green thumb or are good with a rake, we could use you—and your garden tools!


Mentoring a THC resident is one of the most engaging, most impactful, ways you can become involved with THC. Mentors are expected to spend time with their mentee at a minimum of once a week. Mentors are not required to have prior experience; we only ask that they be willing, eager, reliable, and invested in demonstrating a positive, healthy adult relationship. Mentors have steady access to support and communication from THC personnel. Complete the volunteer form to get the mentoring process started today!

Volunteer Form

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Our Vision: Every child and every family will be valued, encouraged, and welcomed in their safe, stable communities.