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Child Abuse Prevention Month: April 2022

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. While child abuse may seem like a tragedy that occurs compartmentally, in reality, it is both much more prominent and much more preventable than most would think. At first glance, child abuse falls into a category of “condemned” yet difficult to counteract. However, it is important to debunk the myth that the only way to prevent child abuse is not to personally abuse a child. In fact, child abuse prevention is something everyone can take part in.

Unfortunately, our group home residents at the Trent Hill Center have already been subjected to various forms of abuse, neglect, and abandonment. However, there are many steps that can be taken to help prevent a child from being removed from their parent or guardian in the first place, many of which speak to the adage “it takes a village.”

Child abuse prevention comes in many forms, from advocacy to activism. We invite you to partner with us in our mission to cultivate thriving, healing, and community in any of the following ways:

  • Ask for help! Parents &/or guardians who are struggling should reach out to the Trent Hill Center to access resources, support, and coping strategies for healthy parenting, even amid stressful situations.
  • Be a champion for children. Research shows that, especially for youth who have experienced abuse and neglect, one caring adult can make all the difference.
  • It’s all about the environment. Research indicates that children who grow up in safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments are more likely to experience consistent happiness and health into their adult years.
  • Know the signs of child maltreatment. Physical abuse is only one form of child maltreatment. If you can identify the signs of child abuse–whether verbal, emotional, physical, or otherwise–you can help prevent future abuse.

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Our Vision: Every child and every family will be valued, encouraged, and welcomed in their safe, stable communities.