Bo Hill has been a part of the Trent Hill Center since the beginning. To some extent, he didn’t have a choice–when your sisters decide to open a foster home for youth and the organization bears your last name, you’re inevitably connected to it, for better or for worse. For Bo, though, it’s been for better.
Like many THC employees and volunteers, he’s worn many hats over the past four years: “My formal involvement at the beginning was running the former Second Chances Thrift Store. After that was shut down due to Covid, I moved over to the group home when I was needed for teaching due to virtual school. Since then, I’ve been acting on and off as a tutor and mentor for a few different residents,” he says.
As a tutor, he’s honed in on a few teaching techniques that have proven effective. “With English,” he says, “sometimes it’s important to find away for the kids to relate to the material. If you are able to find a way to relate something they are interested in or from their own life and use that to help as a learning tool, it can make learning the material much easier.” He continues: “As for math, it’s like building blocks. The answer is your final destination but the easiest way to get there is to break it down and take it one step at a time. Each step builds on the next until you solve the problem.”
In addition to being a tutoring extraordinaire, Bo has also dipped his toes into the pool of mentoring. He says of the relationship with his mentee, “We’re kind of in the genesis of the relationship: I’m trying to understand what more of his interests are and where he sees himself going in the future. If there’s any way that I can assist or guide him in any way, that’s kind of my goal.”
Through the many interactions Bo has had with THC residents over the past several years, the most surprising thing he has learned is how resilient people can be. He adds of his involvement with the Center: “Over the course of the four years I have been here, I have met and gotten to know so many interesting and wonderful kids who each have so much to offer. Volunteering at THC has truly been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.”
Our Vision: Every child and every family will be valued, encouraged, and welcomed in their safe, stable communities.