Raymond has lived at THC for almost two years. Vicky Moore, THC’s Independent Living Program Case Manager, describes him as “always willing to go above and beyond to help anybody do anything,” adding, “he’s a go-getter.” He’s often responsible for doling out unlimited bear hugs, providing comic relief and positive affirmations, and offering a hand with chores of all shapes and sizes–particularly those that involve heavy lifting!
However, when Raymond came to THC, he struggled with depression and grief. After the death of his father, he was forced into the role of ‘man of the house’ at age 15–hunting and fishing to provide food for he and his mother, who struggled with drug usage. Raymond, like many other abused, neglected, and abandoned youth, missed out on the childhood he deserved. However, thanks to the generosity of Trent Hill Center’s donors and community partners, Raymond has made great strides in his mental health, progressed significantly along his education plan, found employment with several local businesses, joined a regional sports team, and become THC’s token jack-of-all trades. He’s currently on track to graduate from high school a semester early, after which point he’ll become eligible for THC’S Independent Living Program. We can’t wait to see all the places he will go!
Our Vision: Every child and every family will be valued, encouraged, and welcomed in their safe, stable communities.